Other books

Words From HeavenTM   – The definitive and most widely used book on the messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje.  For research or reference, this is the handbook for the Medjugorje phenomenon.

It Ain’t Gonna HappenTMFor those who think life will continue as normal, and that the wild swing and tumbling stock markets will recover, that bailouts will work, and that everything will return as previous, guess what?

Look What Happened While You Were SleepingTMTo change America…change America’s mentality.  Global warming, gun control, abortion, education, etc., looking at everything through a Biblical worldview. 

How To Change Your HusbandTM The owner’s manual for the family.

I See FarTMWhat do you have in your home that allows evil to come and go as it pleases? 

American History You Never Learned

Two America’s

As Go God’s People, So Goes the World

Patriotic Rosary

Changing History

How the Early Church Learned

Judge with Right Judgment

Our Lady’s Formula for Victory: Pray, Pray, Pray


Readying for the Storm

Why So Many Disasters

satan Wants to Destroy Medjugorje

A Friend of Medjugorje covers topics connected to beginning a new way of life—spiritually, materially, and economically also through a weekly radio show broadcasted through mej.com.  All past radio programs can be downloaded free or can be ordered through mej.com.